Make informed decision about your career and plan your educational path.
It depends on what career you want to be in future. It requires careful planning based on knowledge of the 'world of work' as well as your career aptitudes and interests. A Career Psychologist can help you.
Career Psychologist will help you to make an informed decision and plan your path to a successful career.
Make informed decision about your career and plan your educational path.
The department of Career Psychology is extension of Al Fanar Clinic located in Salmiya, Kuwait. The department is created to provide career guidance / vocational guidance / counselling services to help students in grade X to XII (Class 10th to 12th) to make informed decision about their career choices.
Individual Counselling
Career Psychologist will meet you on one to one basis while helping you with your career decisions. This is a more personalised service where you will get more time with your career counsellor.
Group Workshop
Career Psychologist will facilitate workshop for the entire group and help them with their career decisions. These are arranged in collaboration with schools or similar organizations.
10th grade student
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Parent of 11th Grade student
10th grade student